Wednesday, December 22, 2010

December Fun

It's been a fun-filled month for Holden as we get ready to celebrate his first Christmas. He picked out his first Christmas tree, saw snow for the first time, and is having a blast finding his presents and getting the bows off of all of the packages (so, if your package is missing a bow, Holden probably got it)!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Ho, Ho, Ho...No, No, No

Holden finally met Santa, and he was not too impressed. We were able to snap a few pictures before the tears came. According to Grandma, Holden is like his Mom - I wasn't really fond of Santa either!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Thanksgiving Weekend

Holden experienced his first Black Friday experience...and he was a great sport! I'm not sure that he will ever want to be out by 5 am with the girls, but he is a good little shopper!

#1 Auntie

Holden enjoyed spending the Thanksgiving weekend with his favorite Aunt, Auntie Kara. And she spoiled him with lots of cute clothes...

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Happy Turkey Day

We had a lot to be thankful for this Thanksgiving as we celebrated Holden's first Thanksgiving. We spent the day with the Jonczak Family and introduced Holden to all of the traditions we celebrate each year. He even had his first bite of turkey, and loved it!
Grandpa Jonczak stopped by for a visit...
And cousins Natalie and Caleb had lots of cool toys to play with...

And we added Holden's fingerprints to the family tablecloth so we can watch him grow over the years.